Eglo Leuchten EGLO Riga - Surfaced - 2 bulb(s) - GU10 - 3000 K - IP44 - Stainless steel

Manufacturer: EGLO
Generally, residential lighting has two functions: It should support in our everyday activities, by providing light and preserving the eyes from premature tiring. And it is meant to fill our living spaces with the matching atmosphere.
Today’s lighting technology offers countless possibilities and ideas. Important for the implementation, however, will always be a sufficient number of power points and wall points.
First of all the room needs a good basic lighting, controlled by the switch by the door. Then you deal with the appropriate atmosphere: Objets d’art are lit, communications zones or workplace are illuminated in a special light, and the whole working and living space is enveloped in contours or different lighting levels.
Direct and indirect lighting
Direct light – such as the flame of a candle – evokes pleasant emotions, but it has the side-effect that the light is unfiltered and enters the eye without any screening.
For this reason indirect lighting is preferable, a screened light source, reflected by the walls and the ceiling. So the light may provide a wide cone of light it should be mounted at a good distance from the lit surface. Wall flood lights should be mounted at no less than 1.70 meters, so that the light source is well above eye level. And of course, flood lights should be only deployed in small or low rooms after considerate planning, as otherwise their effect would be wasted.
At EGLO you will find everything for the perfect light setting of your residential areas: spot lights and wall luminaires, ceiling flood lights and halogen racks, table and standard lamps.
Light is an essential component for our spiritual and physical well-being. It creates harmony, joy, glory, and turns Night into Day. It defines our bio-rhythm.
Used properly, light contributes to using your potential better in your daily lives. A glare-free environment at the workplace in the office, or in the kitchen makes your work easier, because you see more and better and tire less quickly.
Warm white light with a high indirect proportion eases the eye, while direct sunlight is regarded as activating and performance-promoting.
Let the light work for you – and we are there to help you!
Bei einem nicht steckerfertigen elektrischen Gerät oder Bauteil dürfen Anschluss und Installation nur von einer qualifizierten Elektrofachkraft durchgeführt werden. Bitte beachte auch die Gebrauchsanweisung.
Wasser kann der Leuchte nicht nur von Außen schaden. Dringt Feuchtigkeit ins Innere der Leuchte, kann dies nicht nur zu einem Defekt, sondern auch zu lebensgefährlichen Verletzungen führen - und das nicht nur bei Kindern, die in der Nähe spielen. Daher müssen alle Leuchten, die Sie im Außenbereich installieren, eine Schutzart von mindestens IP44 aufweisen. Dann kann ihnen Spritzwasser, egal aus welcher Richtung, nichts anhaben. In Teich- oder Poolnähe sollten Sie jedoch direkt zu IP65 greifen. Leuchten dieser Schutzart macht sogar Strahlwasser nichts aus.
Manufacturer Information
Manufacturer identification
Manufacturer identification
Name: EGLO LEUCHTEN GMBHE-Mail adress:
Streetaddress: Heiligkreuz 22
ZIP Code: 6136
City: Pill
Country: AT
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