Single-phase energy meter with energy consumption indicator...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Preis bezieht sich auf: 1 - STK Siemens SENTRON Messgerät...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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iEM3000 energy meter - 63 A Schneider Electric iEM3100....
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Electricity meter - 3 phase - Active energy Cl. 1 & B ABB...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Siemens 7KM2200-2EA30-1EA1 Messgerät SENTRON Messgerät 7KM...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Preis bezieht sich auf: 1 - STK ABB A44 111-100...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Siemens Messgerät SENTRON 7KM PAC2200 L 400V/N 230V 65A...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Messung aller relevanten Größen eines Wechselstromsystems....
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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iEM3155 energy meter - 63 A - Modbus - 1 digital I - 1...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Siemens 7KM2200-2EA30-1CA1 Messgerät SENTRON Messgerät 7KM...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Preis bezieht sich auf: 1 - STK ABB B23 111-100...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Preis bezieht sich auf: 1 - STK ABB Drehstromzähler B23...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Der Fronius Smart Meter ist ein bidirektionaler Zähler zur...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Fronius Zubehör Smart Meter TS 65A-3 General Type...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Schneider Electric A9MEM1570 General Type Electrical...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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null EC001506 Hager ECP380D. International Protection (IP)...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Mit dem neuen Energiekostenmessgerät von SHX haben Sie Ihren...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours
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SENTRON PAC1020 96x96 mm Power Monitoring Device...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Drehstromzähler zur Messung eines Dreileiter- oder...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Electricity meter - 3 phase - Active energy Cl. 1 & B ABB...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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SMARTFOX Energy Meter 3ph, 80A, RS485, S0 (1000 Imp/kWh)....
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Preis bezieht sich auf: 1 - STK ABB B23 312-100...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Siemens Messgerät SENTRON 7KM PAC2200 L 400V/N 230V 65A...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Siemens 7KM2200-2EA30-1DA1 Messgerät SENTRON Messgerät 7KM...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Energiezähler, zur Direktmessung bis 5A, 3-phasig, MID...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Shelly Pro EM-50 ist ein einphasiger Zweikanal-Energiezähler...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Shelly PM Mini Gen3 ist ein Stromzähler im Kleinformat....
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours
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Dreiphasen-Energiezähler, Direktmessung 65A, 400V, 50/60Hz,...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Shelly Pro 3EM-400 (Das Gerät) ist ein dreiphasiger...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Präziser und schneller universeller Leistungssensor und...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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Schneider Electric Energiezähler A9MEM3135 63A 3phasig MID...
delivery time: dispatch warehouse - ready to ship in 24 - 48 hours

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