Di-Life AT

Nedis Power Inverteränderte Sinus-Wellen| Eingangsspannung 12 VDC|

delivery time: Im Versandlager lagernd - versandbereit in 3-4 Tagen
Product.Nr.: 550688376
weight: 3,68 kg

Manufacturer: Nedis



incl. 20 % VAT

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Power 230-V AC devices via a 12-V DC socket with this Nedis® Power Inverter. This way, you can run household appliances, such as coffee machines, in trucks, boats etc., without having to invest in dedicated 12-V equipment. Additionally, the soft-start circuitry helps to protect your devices against damage. Using 230-V equipment might drain your battery much faster. This inverter features a charger function to replenish your 12-V lead acid battery via a 230-V wall socket. Equipped with 1 schuko power socket.

AC Adapter
Electrical current
12 V
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Manufacturer Information

Manufacturer identification

Manufacturer identification

Streetaddress: De Tweeling 28
Address addition: https://support.nedis.com/de-de
ZIP Code: 5215 MC
City: Hertogenbosch
Country: NL

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